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MIP-The Washtenaw County Collaborative: Mitigating Trauma Impacts with Multimedia FY22 (eCoaching)

Muzik, Maria


The current proposal seeks match funding for a bundled project (first funded in FY19) supported by an UM CHS grant and corresponding Medicaid Match (MM) funding; the work started in 2019 and this is continuation. Here we propose to expand on the MP Intervene modules, incorporating scenarios and content allowing parents to support their children’s emotional restoration (MP Intervene Emotion). The ultimate goal of this project is to expand on the opportunities granted by the original parent grant and expand reach, utilization, and effectiveness of the model through support of technology and ongoing coaching. Specifically, the year 4 funding will allow the Mom Power team to create on-line intervention scenarios (MP Intervene Emotion) that target and teach parents to support children’s ability to regulate their emotions. These interactive on-line materials can be used by parents during session with their therapist (e.g., home visitor) or can be utilized as stand-alone support. Specifically, the year 4 funding will allow the Mom Power team to create on-line intervention scenarios (MP Intervene Emotion) that target and teach parents to support children’s ability to regulate their emotions. These interactive on-line materials can be used by parents during session with their therapist (e.g., home visitor) or can be utilized as stand-alone support.

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