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Teach-In: Stop Dirty Banks Day of Action 3.21.23


The financial sector-including banks, insurance companies, and institutional investors-is underwriting the climate crisis. Since the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015, the world's 60 largest private banks have invested $4.6 trillion into the fossil fuel industry. This includes financing for tar sands and arctic oil and gas pipelines, offshore drilling, fracking, natural gas, and coal mining.

Coalitions including TH!RD ACT, Stop the Money Pipeline,, Sunrise Movement, Friends of the Earth, Sierra Club, and more are joining together on 3.21.23 (Tues., March 21st 2023) to collectively deliver the message that banks shouldn't use money to finance climate destruction.

This teach-in is organized in alignment with TH!RD ACT's National Day of Action demanding that banks stop funding climate destruction. The teach-in will provide information about the financial sector's investments in fossil fuels; responses from communities, organizers, and activists; and roles for social workers and the profession.

The teach-in is scheduled from 12pm to 1pm ET in SSWB 1636. A virtual option is available and a Zoom link will be emailed to registrants in advance of the event. Please RSVP in order to receive the Zoom link. Bring a bag lunch and light snacks will be provided.

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